Model 2241B – WTI scanner for dry type transformers based on PT-100 sensors

Designed for monitoring the temperatures of L.V. windings of the Dry-Type Transformer/Cast Resin Transformers, these instruments display the winding temperatures and take necessary control action as per set and differential values programmed by the user. The protection system also records maximum temperatures attained and will display the same along with corresponding channel number.
This Instrument can be connected to a maximum of 12 sensors and has 4 relays.

Models 2244-T3 and 2253 – WTI scanners for dry type transformers based on PT-100 sensors

Designed for monitoring the temperatures of L.V. windings of the Dry-Type Transformer/Cast Resin Transformers, these instruments display the winding temperatures and take necessary control action as per set and differential values programmed by the user. The protection system also records maximum temperatures attained and will display the same along with corresponding channel number.
These are built in 96Sq enclosures and are meant for indoor use only. Model with 1 sensor and 2 contacts and 4 sensors and 4 Contacts are available.


Scanner for dry type transformers based on K type thermocouple input: Designed for monitoring the temperatures of L.V. windings of the Dry-Type Transformer/Cast Resin Transformers, these instruments display the winding temperatures and take necessary control action as per set and differential values programmed by the user. The protection system also records maximum temperatures attained and will display the same along with corresponding channel number. This Instrument can be connected to a maximum of 3 sensors and has 6 relays. This instrument is UL and C-UL Certified.